Bush-Craft Starter Pack

Publisher Artistic Mechanics
File size 42.77MB
Number of files 450
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-03-30 08:16:22
First release date 2016-04-08 05:10:34
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Whether you’re gearing up for bush-craft survival scenarios, need some extra weapons or simply want to populate a scene in your village, this asset pack is for you.

The Bush-craft Starter Pack includes:
- Knives
- Carved kuksa & spoon
- Rope
- Billy pot
- Fire steel
- Wood

The 1st Update includes:
- Billy pot variation
- Stick peg
- Tarp
- Lighter
- Spear
- Candle

With three variations of texture maps:
Natural, Illustrated & Stealth each with individual 1024 & 2048 normal map,
this asset pack will fit seamlessly into any game category.
Built in are over 200x Prefabs, 3x Preview and 1x Promo scene
The low poly-count models are well suited for all platforms including cellphones.

Please don't forget to rate this package. All feedback will be considered to improve the package.

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