Bug Reporter: III

Publisher Batzu Games
File size 34.33kB
Number of files 6
Latest version 1.1.1
Latest release date 2022-09-23 10:00:26
First release date 2022-03-22 08:17:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

What is Bug Reporter: III?

Simply put, Bug Reporter: III contains a way for the developer and the player to send their bug reports with or without screenshots, from within the game or from the editor, directly to your Slack chat.

What platforms are included?

This is a single asset version derived from the full bundle, so only Slack reporting is included.

How can I voice my problems, suggestions and other ideas?

You can send your ideas and suggestion with email or join our Discord channel and use our bug-reporter channel. Both can be found in the readme file.

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