Bridge Lane Game Framework

Publisher Phantom Pixel Studio
File size 69.63MB
Number of files 93
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-09-07 02:14:47
First release date 2022-04-14 07:49:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

We've all seen them, right? Those ads on social media that show an ad for a game that looks pretty cool, but when you download it, it's nothing like it! Well, this is your chance to change that! We have created a beginner-friendly template to help you turn your vision for that style of game into a reality! This template includes heavily documented code with a focus on teaching beginners. This framework will not only help you hit the ground running but teach you along the way! We also offer full support for any questions you might have on our discord!

How To Play

Open up the game scene and after the countdown, you can use either the A and D keys, a gamepad's left stick or the left and right arrows thanks to Unity's new Input System. Maneuver your player through the gates and accumulate as large of a force as you can to make it past the large enemy horde! Survive with at least 1 unit and reach the finish line to win!

What's included?

A full game loop scene and the main menu scene, complete with an options panel with volume controls. All of the code is documented line by line to help you understand how things work. A few sound effects and some music files, feel free to use them or replace them with your own. And finally, full support on our Discord. Any questions you may have about the template or even general advice on how to improve it, we'll help in any way we can!