Boss battle Music Pack

Publisher Eduardo Guerra Arencibia
File size 0.98GB
Number of files 105
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-04-20 02:26:12
First release date 2023-04-20 02:26:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This music pack contains:

  • A collection of 7 profesional tracks, composed, mixed and mastered by me.
  • 2 original stingers, one for the win and the other for the defeat. They are adapted individually to fit in each track.
  • This tracks recreates the sound of the boss battles of game genres like jrpg, rpg, metroidvania, action, adventure,...
  • Includes mp3, wav and aiff file formats.
  • 44.1 kHz and 16 bits (192 kBs for the mp3)
  • Each song has 2 sections, the intro and the loop.
  • Also I included the full version of the track for listening.
  • You can use this assets for commercial proyects.
  • Also in some of the tracks there is a real travesere flute, played and recorded by me (It´s a bit hard to hear it, but I promise that It´s in there!)


1. A spark of hope - 02:02 min

2. A noble sacrifice - 02:20 min

3. Walk throught the darkness - 1:50 min

4. Defying the darkness - 2:31 min

5. Rallying the troops - 2:16 min

6. A pale doubt - 2:53 min

7. Crimson penitence - 2:10 min

If you're interested in having me create custom music for your project, please don't hesitate to contact me at: [email protected].

I'm always excited to collaborate with other creatives and help bring their visions to life through music!

Finally, as my brother says:

"A boss without music It´s just another mob"