Borderless Standalone Window + Advanced Windows API

Publisher Darkness Blade
File size 1.24MB
Number of files 19
Latest version 3
Latest release date 2024-02-20 04:33:50
First release date 2015-02-23 11:24:27
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is the Advanced version, with extra features !

Supports: All Unity versions

With nearly 100% happy customers this is a reliable solution.


"Borderless Standalone Window + Advanced Windows API" is an Unity Plugin that gives you the ability to control the actual window position,size,borders of your standalone build via Scripting.

In other words it lets you remove the borders of your game's window and gives you the API to minimize,close,maximize,resize,grab ect. through your scripts.

There are tons of creative ways to use it and implement it to your games/programs/launchers an example would be this template.

The package comes with Example Scenes and many scripts to help you start and understand its use.

NOTE : This is a Windows only product, both for Unity Pro and Indie.

Demo :

What you actually get:

~A "QuickAutoBorderless" boolean that forces Borderless mode on the build on initialization without restarting it

~A "FullyAutoBorderless" boolean that forces Borderless mode on the build on initialization after restarting it

~A "AllowSizeResettingBeforeExit" boolean that makes the window start as a small 116x90 window instead of full size

~A "SilenceWarnings" boolean to silence any warning that keep your editor safe.

~A "AutoFixAfterResizing" boolean that will make the window borderless after resizing if its not already.

~New Scripting API.

-Window.Minimize ();

-Window.Minimize (boolean);

-Window.Fullscreen ();

-Window.Fullscreen (Vector2);

-Window.Fullscreen (int,int);

-Window.Maximize ();

-Window.Maximize (boolean);

-Window.UnMaximize ();

-Window.Exit ();

-Window.ForceExit ();


-Window.IsBorderless ();

-Window.Border ();

-Window.Border (boolean);

-Window.SetMinWidth (int);

-Window.SetMaxWidth (int);

-Window.SetMinHeight (int);

-Window.SetMaxHeight (int);

-Window.SetRect (Rect);

-Window.SetRect (int,int,int,int);

-Window.SetPosition (int,int);

-Window.SetPosition (Vector2);

-Window.SetSize (int,int);

-Window.SetSize (Vector2);

-Window.GetMinWidth ();

-Window.GetMaxWidth ();

-Window.GetMinHeight ();

-Window.GetMaxHeight ();

-Window.GetBorderRect ();

-Window.GetBorderPosition ();

-Window.GetBorderSize ();

-Window.GetPermnentBorderSize ();

-Window.GetRect ();

-Window.GetPosition ();

-Window.GetSize ();

-Window.GrabStart ();

-Window.GrabEnd ();



-Window.ResizeLeftStart (float);

-Window.ResizeLeftStart ();

-Window.ResizeLeftEnd ();

-Window.ResizeDownLeftStart (float);

-Window.ResizeDownLeftStart ();

-Window.ResizeDownLeftEnd ();

-Window.ResizeDownStart (float);

-Window.ResizeDownStart ();

-Window.ResizeDownEnd ();

-Window.ResizeDownRightStart (float);

-Window.ResizeDownRightStart ();

-Window.ResizeDownRightEnd ();

-Window.ResizeRightStart (float);

-Window.ResizeRightStart ();

-Window.ResizeRightEnd ();

-Window.ResizeRightTopStart (float);

-Window.ResizeRightTopStart ();

-Window.ResizeRightTopEnd ();

-Window.ResizeTopStart (float);

-Window.ResizeTopStart ();

-Window.ResizeTopEnd ();

-Window.ResizeTopLeftStart (float);

-Window.ResizeTopLeftStart ();


~A "SizeReset" vector2 to overrite default resetting sizes when window closes

~A "FocusResetOnClick" boolean that will give focus to the window when click so child windows dont steal focus

~New Scripting API.

-Window.Minimize (int);

-Window.Minimize (int,boolean);

-Window.Maximize (int);

-Window.Maximize (int,boolean);

-Window.UnMaximize (int);

-Window.IsMaximized ();

-Window.SetRect (int,Rect);

-Window.SetRect (int,int,int,int,int);

-Window.SetPosition (int,int,int);

-Window.SetPosition (int,Vector2);

-Window.SetSize (int,int,int);

-Window.SetSize (int,Vector2);



-Window.ResizeTopLeftEnd ();















































































Example Uses:

Create advanced Server programs.

Create autonomus AI for your OS.

Create professional advanced game launchers.

Basically you can alter any window position with the new (BETA) external window controls.

(What do I mean ? You can not only set the position,borders,status. ect. of your unity window but you can also alter OTHER windows)

For example create dynamic notification windows in the desktop and control them through unity.

Create games with awesome borders like the ones of top branded games (example: League of Legends or Steam !!) with no borders that make the difference in the user's desktop !! Simulate Window movement or teleport the window dynamically without having the user do anything !!

Create popup/warning windows that can't be closed by the user and display information or other useful stuff.

Have warning messages flash for notifications. Create invisible windows by having their width or height be 0 or even below 0.

Move your windows outside the screen or in places that the cursor usually cant go.

TOP: Have fullscreen windowed mode at full resolution without waiting for Unity's standard fullscreen buffering !!!

and many more, just use your imagination and creativity...

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