Bolt Beginner Pack

Publisher Visual Scripting Plus
File size 7.95MB
Number of files 56
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-03-16 01:17:41
First release date 2022-02-15 07:22:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

- Easy install , easy use in a few seconds and work on all version of Unity with Bolt Plugin.

- You can download free full of Macro-Pin to see how it works in my Youtube chanel.

- Live update in next update ( update every hours , and daily ) :

The must package for all Beginner of Unity.

- In this package ( Detail of every macro will be upload into github ) :

. Macro-Url : get data from website database (*NEW )

. Macro-Bound : Return closest position if the giving position is out of the collider of Object. ( Example : To make moving touch control on FPS game ). Or set moving Object not outside of an collider area.

. Macro - Character ( Beta - will add more events) : can move 3D character easily in a single call, and play animator without set up parameters, automatically find animator control on Character object or its child to run .

. Macro - System ( New )

. Macro - Touch3D ( Touch & Pick 3D Object in 3D World in 1 simple call )

. Macro - Tween - Tweening ( with all Tween animation types )

. Macro - Array ( Create , set and pick value at (x,y,z) of Array )

. Macro - Object ( Create , Delete Object , Pick Object by Variables ...)

. Macro - Sine ( Position, scale , Opacity , ValueOnly ... )

. Macro - Touch ( support Multi Touch on phones ...)

. Macro - Pin ( 3d Object to 2D UI screen , 2D UI objects to 3D world )

. Macro - Invisible ( make all type of objects invisible in 1 click )

. Macro - ShowFPS ( just a simple code to show FPS )

. Macro - Rotate ( Rotate object in 1 click )

. Many more ....

. Tutorial - Install & Use . PDF

[ Tested and work with Bolt in Unity 2019 LTS and 2020 LTS . Recommend to use Unity 2020 LTS for this Bolt macro ]

* Love making games with NO CODE. Start it now !

* You can leave me message for support at discord : fast reply from me here ( tag @Leo69 ).

* Or my email :

--------More detail events of Macro----

Bolt Beginner Pack

In this package :

.Macro - Touch3D : ( Touch & Pick 3D Object in 3D World in 1 simple call )

+ on Touch Begin On 3D Object

+ on Touch End On 3D Object

+ Position XYZ of Colliding hit point ( help move Character correctly to touch point in 3D world )

+ on Tap 3D Object

+ on Double Tap 3D Object

+ on Triple Tap 3D Object

*** Work with all Camera position or angles, Top Down ... Perpective or Orthographic

. Macro - Tween - Tweening : ( Position, scale , Opacity , ValueOnly ... with all tween animation types )

+ Tween Start

+ Tween Stop

+ On Tween End

+ Edit Variables & Start Tween.

+ Variables of Tween to get and set.

. Macro - Object ( Create , Delete Object , Pick Object by Variables ...)

+ Create Object

+ Create Object & Set Parent

+ Count Objects With Tag

+ Destroy An Object

+ Delete All Object With Name

+ Pick A Object By Variable

+ Get List Objects By Variable

+ Pick A Object By 2 Varriables

+ Get List Objects By 2 Varriables

+ Pick A Object By 3 Varriables

+ Get List Objects By 3 Varriables

+ Destroy An Object After Time

+ Object In Screen or Not In Screen

. Macro - Array ( Create , set and pick value at (x,y,z) of Array )

+ Create Array

+ Set Value At XYZ

+ Get Value At XYZ

+ Fix size of Array

+ Get Width

+ Get Height

+ Get Depth

+ Print Array

+ Reset Array

. Macro - Sine ( Position, scale , Opacity , ValueOnly ... )

+ Sine Start

+ Sine Stop

+ Edit Variables & Start Sine.

+ Variables of Sine to get and set.

. Macro - Touch ( support Multi Touch on phones ...)

+ Get Touch.X , Touch.Y …. Many more

+ on Tap On This Object

+ on Double Tap On This Object

+ on Triple Tap On This Object

+ on Tap

+ on Double Tap

+ on Hold

+ on Hold Over Object

+ on Touch Begin On This Object

+ on Touch End On This Object

+ is In Touch This Object

+ is In Touch

+ on Touch2 Begin On This Object

+ on Touch2 End On This Object

+ is In Touch2

+ is In Touch2 This Object

+ on Any Touch Begin

+ on Any Touch End

+ On Nth Touch Begin

+ On Nth Touch End

. Macro - Pin ( 3d Object to 2D UI screen , 2D UI objects to 3D world )

+ Pin Start

+ Pin Stop

. Macro - Invisible ( make all type of objects invisible in 1 click )

+ Invisible

+ Visible

. Macro - ShowFPS ( just a simple code to show FPS )

. Macro - Rotate ( Rotate object in 1 click )

+ Rotate Start

+ Rotate Stop

. Tutorial - Install & Use . PDF

More macro are coming ...