Bluetooth LE for iOS, tvOS and Android

Publisher Shatalmic, llc
File size 11.66MB
Number of files 3
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2022-06-14 10:51:13
First release date 2015-01-02 09:49:22
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
WARNING: In order to build for Android you must now target at least Android SDK 31. Your app will still run on older versions of Android. This just targets the SDK so new parameters in the AndroidManifest.xml work.

NOTE: If you want bluetooth networking between Android and iOS devices please see our other asset: HERE

This is a very simple implementation of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for iOS, tvOS and Android.

Create a BLE Central Manager to access BLE Peripherals

This asset can be used for games and any other Unity applications.

Includes an example that connects to RFduino and TI SensorTag devices.

Also includes RSSI and manufacturer specific data from the advertising packet to allow iBeacon type functionality.

iBeacon support for iOS and Android.

Peripheral mode is only available on iOS.
On iOS only there is an example that can act as an RFduino device peripheral in order to demonstrate how to be a peripheral on iOS.
Support for Apple's tvOS included at no extra charge.

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