Bezier Solution


Publisher yasirkula
File size 430.42kB
Number of files 29
Latest version 2.3.3
Latest release date 2023-02-02 09:53:08
First release date 2018-03-22 12:40:29
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Introductory price.. Not! It will always remain Free. Grab it whenever you want!

This plugin helps you create bezier splines either visually in editor or by code during gameplay. Includes some utility functions like finding the closest point on the spline or travelling the spline with constant speed. It is built upon Catlike Coding's spline tutorial:

- Simple user interface
- Supports runtime spline generation by code
- Caches commonly used properties for optimized performance
- Includes the following helper components: BezierWalkerWithSpeed, BezierWalkerWithTime, ParticlesFollowBezier, BezierLineRenderer, BendMeshAlongBezier and BezierAttachment

Older Versions
For older versions of Unity, you can download the plugin from GitHub. Supports at least Unity 5.6.

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