Asset Usage Detector


Publisher yasirkula
File size 94.19kB
Number of files 16
Latest version 2.5.3
Latest release date 2024-08-05 07:30:53
First release date 2018-03-16 12:09:25
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Introductory price.. Not! It will always remain Free. Grab it whenever you want!

This tool helps you find usages of the selected asset(s) and/or Object(s) in your Unity project, i.e. lists the objects that refer to them.

- You can search usages of any object that extends UnityEngine.Object
- Extensive search algorithm that uses SerializedObject and reflection to find references
- Can search in multiple scenes at once
- Also works in Play mode!

Older Versions
For older versions of Unity, you can download the plugin from GitHub. Supports at least Unity 5.6.

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