Beautifiers (beautiful property drawers)

NoOp Army

Publisher NoOp Army
File size 361.78kB
Number of files 33
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-06-22 03:23:19
First release date 2016-09-22 06:18:26
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Beautifiers is a set of property drawers which allow you to decorate your inspector with useful and beautiful controls. This will help your designers choose correct values much more easily. You'll have inspectors which only show what they need based on the context and show it in the best way possible. Current drawers:

Show/Hide a field based on a bool value in the same script

Show/Hide a field based an enum value in the same script

ScriptableObject drop-down which lists all ScriptableObjects of a type in a drop-down

- Time based drawers for setting hours, minutes and seconds for int fields (internally stores all fields in seconds)

- Colorizer which changes a field's color (works on all controls)

- String manipulation drawer for replacing characters in strings, making them lower/upper case

- String drop-down which allows a string to be chosen from a list (rather than using enums)


You can request new drawers by sending an email to [email protected] The price of the package will be increased after the collection grows large enough, so get in early! Please watch the video for more information.

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