Basement of Horror

File size 503.87MB
Number of files 268
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-11-16 04:34:15
First release date 2023-11-16 04:34:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Immerse yourself in the depths of mystery and tension with "Basement of Horror" an asset designed to take your Unity projects to an unparalleled level of horror. This package plunges you into a dark and terrifying basement, filled with horrifying details that set the perfect stage for your horror experiences.

Technical specifications:

- Number of Unique Meshes 77.

- Number of polygons - from 2 (for simple models) to 29,600 (for complex models).

- Texture size (2048 x 2048).

- Types of texture maps - BaseMap, Normal, MaskMap.

The package contains:

· 33 Fbx models

· 48 Prefabs with colliders

· 108 Textures

· Optimized 3D Models

· Baked GI

· Post Processing Setup

· 1 Demo scene with lightmap

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