Unisave - backend server


Publisher Unisave
File size 2.16MB
Number of files 190
Latest version 0.13.0
Latest release date 2024-01-16 11:26:02
First release date 2019-04-08 12:21:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher


Unisave lets you easily build a backend server for your Unity game. You do that by dropping C# templates into a single folder of your Unity project. Those templates work immediately but you can also modify them. The backend folder gets automatically synced with the Unisave cloud so your server is online the moment you click the [] button.

Website | Docs | Discord | Github

Available templates
▰ Email Authentication - Register players with email and password
▰ Steam Authentication - Login players via Steam
▰ Steam Microtransactions - Integrate Steam in-game purchases

If there's not a template for what you need, you can still code it up yourself:

Use Unisave to build
▰ Leaderboards
▰ Custom player registration and authentication
▰ Matchmaking
▰ Achievements
▰ In-game economy

Unisave lets you
▰ View and edit player data from the web console
▰ Extract information from the database
▰ Separate development, testing, and production environments
▰ Explore analytics
▰ Send automated mail

Built for Unity Engine
Unisave was built specifically for the Unity game engine to make it the most convenient backend solution for you:
▰ Your backend server is inside a single folder of your Unity project - inside the same Unity Collab or Git repository
▰ The server code is written in C#, the language you already know. You can also re-use server code on the client.


What if my game gets popular

You can easily fit 50 000 registered players into the Basic plan for $5 monthly. Also you have to manually switch pricing plans to extend the quotas - nobody will drain your credit card.


More technical details

RPC: yes, called "Facets"

ORM: yes, called "Entities"

Database type: NoSQL, schema-less, multi-model

    - documents, key-value, graph, text-search

    - JSON

Serialization: yes, advanced and transparent

Environments: yes

    - development, production

    - adding custom environments

    - custom environment variables for configuration

Metrics: many

    - hourly, daily, monthly

    - active users, new users, request count, crashes

    - retention ("unbounded" and "day N")

    - session duration histogram

    - request endpoint processing time and crash rates

Development web console: nice

    - easily inspect recent requests

    - see the arguments, returned value, thrown exception, logs, etc.

    - one-click access to the database via Aardvark by ArangoDB

Communication protocol: HTTPS

Self-hosted on premise: can be, just send an email

▰ ArangoDB as the database, you have full access to
▰ Docker for security and separation
▰ Digital Ocean for stability and uptime

Read the detailed list of features on the website.

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