AVPro Live Camera

Publisher RenderHeads Ltd
File size 1.19MB
Number of files 62
Latest version 2.9.3
Latest release date 2022-10-14 10:43:16
First release date 2012-06-20 08:12:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
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AVPro Live Camera delivers next-level camera support that surpasses the performance and device support of Unity's WebCamTexture class.

Visit the web page for the demos and docs.


+ *NEW* Unity 2021/2022 support
+ XSplit-VCam support
+ Supported by Chroma Key Kit
+ High performance
+ Easy to use
+ Supports high-end cameras & formats
+ Supports TV capture cards
+ Supports Unity 5.6 and above
+ 5 demos included
+ NGUI component included
+ No scripting required (for most usage)

Ideal for:

+ Interactive installations
+ Serious games
+ Kiosks
+ Video apps

Windows 32-bit and 64-bit only

For Blackmagic DeckLink capture card support - try our AVPro DeckLink plugin

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