Automotive Gauges - GUI & Code

Publisher Maloke Games
File size 13.23MB
Number of files 75
Latest version 1.1.1
Latest release date 2021-06-21 11:35:15
First release date 2019-10-04 08:03:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

All the Essential Vehicle Instruments in High Fidelity and Ready to use!

Layouts and Colors totally Customizable with Analogical and Digital Gauges. Includes a 3D Prefab in WorldCoordinates to displace instruments inside a 3D car model.

Instruments data is Automatically calculated by the script using a reference to your vehicle's Transform or you can Manually set the values, just making use of the GUI itself and the LowPassFilter to smooth the reading.


- Speed, TripMeter, Engine RPM, G-Force Meter, Temperature, and Fuel.

- Current Gear, TurnSignals, Backpanel Lights, and Warning Lights.

- Compass, Rearview Mirror, and MiniMap with zoom.

- Accelerometer for visualizing G-Force.

- DataConsole that displays information and small timed text messages for warnings.

- DemoScene with many different layouts examples.

This Asset also features:

  • Realistic Sounds and Engine Pitch synchronized with RPM.
  • Simple Mechanics for Engine Overheating and Fuel Consumption.
  • PreFab Templates with various Layout Styles and Variations (Compact, Transparent, Analogical/Digital/Misc, Full GUI, Minimalistic GUI, Panel, 3D Template).
  • Customizable Pointers, Colors, and BackLight Colors.
  • Analogical Rolling Digits or Digital Display options for any variable, just enable/disable objects from the templates to your desired layout.
  • Adjustable Off-Set and Scaling factor to each instrument value to enable unity conversion or tweaking display.
  • Configurable LowPassFilter factor to adjust between smooth reading or instant values.
  • Includes a mini Sound Manager and a Console Display that shows small timed messages.
  • Also comes with a simple Camera movement script that emulates a Car for proper testing of the instruments.
  • - PDF Documentation with a detailed description of the Asset's structure and Script.

Full Source Code Included!

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