Auto Filler - Fill all fields automatically


Publisher Tellosoft
File size 100.97kB
Number of files 9
Latest version 1.0.4
Latest release date 2022-03-07 02:46:22
First release date 2022-01-19 02:24:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

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Usage & Details:

Use Fill attribute at any field except int, string, float, double which are not required to be filled. There will be a nice Fill button in front of the field in the inspector to fill the field. By default, it will find the required Component at the self game object, if not found then it will find it on the parent game objects till root.

Different Ways Of Use:

• [Fill] , [Fill(FindIn.SelfTParent)]

The default fill attribute will find the required game object on the self component if not found then find it on parent game objects till root.

• [Fill(“MyGameobject/ChildObject/Nested”)]

It will find the required component at the specified path.

• [Fill(FindIn.Child)]

It will find the required component in child game objects.

• [Fill(FindIn.Parent)]

It will find the required component in parent game objects.

• [Fill(FindIn.Self)]

It will find the required component at self game object.

See the docs for more details

AutoFiller Documentation Link

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