ARS Weather System for Time of Day

Publisher Altered Reality Software
File size 8.59MB
Number of files 44
Latest version 1.5.1
Latest release date 2015-07-06 09:25:18
First release date 2014-03-06 06:57:58
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Unity 5 Ready!!

Requires Time of Day - Dynamic Sky Dome.

Does not require Unity Pro.

The ARS Weather System is a weather system add-on for the excellent dynamic skydome system Time of Day by Mod Monkeys.

The ARS Weather System allows for drag-and drop functionality and highly-configurable weather effects including Thunder, Lightning, Rain, Fog, and Dust. Lightning is fully procedural.

Each weather element is fully adjustable and dynamically synchronized to the Time of Day skydome and atmospheric conditions. Element particles are effected by wind speed and direction.

Installation is simple. Import the ARS Weather System package into any project containing the Time of Day system and drag the WeatherSystem prefab to the hierarchy panel. The ARS Weather System will gather the necessary data from the Time of Day System and utilize this data to automatically setup internal values necessary to synchronize the two systems.

Full C# Source Included
Clean, Formatted, and Fully-Commented Code
67-page API Documentation
11-page User Manual
Complete Control over Element Parameters
Automatic Fade between Element Changes

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