(All-In-One) Super Mobile Controller

AW Studio

Publisher AW Studio
File size 38.55MB
Number of files 125
Latest version 3
Latest release date 2022-05-05 11:17:14
First release date 2021-06-15 07:14:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Include touch input, analog stick, various types of skill buttons.

Optimized for mobile game and support multiple screen size.


Youtube: https://youtu.be/32r-EPTJY5M

APK Demo



- Easy replace textures

- Well organized code

- Rich documentation

- Easy to integrate

- Smooth input

- Easy to handle various types of skills

- Worked examples for you to start your project

- One-hand touch input support

Controller elements included

1. Touch Input Area

2. Cancel Area

3. Analog Stick

4. Directional Skill Button

5. Area Target Skill Button

6. Simple Skill Button

7. Dynamic Controller Elements

8. Dynamic Button Collection

9. Advanced Touch Input (Drag / Fast Drag / Hold / Simple Tap)

10. RTS Selection Object

11. Drag Drop Button


The model in the demo scene is under Unity Chan License (UCL)

Animation are under Mixamo's license

Icons in video are not included in the package.


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