Air Hockey Game Kit


Publisher ETI
File size 6.50MB
Number of files 125
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2017-12-28 07:26:23
First release date 2014-05-29 10:03:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
2.0 major update - see changelog
* This template is now C Sharp only *

Unity 2017 ready

Air Hockey Game Kit is aimed at providing a cross-platform , optimized template for your physic-based air hockey needs.

It is thought to integrate flawlessly as part of your existing project !
Thanks to a local space based approach you'll be able to place it anywhere in your scene.

It has already been successfully implemented in published products on various devices.

This template is touchscreen compatible and well optimized for low-end/mobile hardware, you'll find an example of how to handle two players game on touchscreen devices.

Scripts are thoroughly commented, and nothing fancy is added, for a clearer view.

Features :

- Real world scale and physics, local space based

- Simple efficient AI script to build upon

- Demo mode (AI versus AI)

- Two player touchscreen option

- Sample scene with UI examples included :

Main and Pause
Change camera view
Option settings

- Gameplay preset example from arcade to realistic (with respective physic behaviors)

- basic Level Up system example

- Optimized, quality 3D models

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