48 Particle Effect Pack


Publisher GAPH
File size 1.37MB
Number of files 144
Latest version 3
Latest release date 2021-12-15 06:31:16
First release date 2014-01-04 12:43:56
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
So Many Fantastic Effect Included !!

This package includes 48 fantastic particle effects.

Check Effect in here.

-All particles made with Shuriken Particle System. You can use these effects in your SF, Fantasy, RPG, etc... stlye games.

-All Effects are Saved Prefabs, so you can easy use good quality effects.

-Shuriken Particle Scale Editor is Included this package.
via this Editor, you can change your Shuriken Particle Effect Scale

-Stable for mobile platforms.

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