3D Space Pathfinding


Publisher Maclay74
File size 5.16MB
Number of files 34
Latest version 1.1.0
Latest release date 2022-08-11 11:09:12
First release date 2022-05-31 11:47:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Take off your gameplay!

If you game is set in space or sky and you want your actors to behave as they know where they're going - 3D Space Pathfinding will be a good fit for you!


✅ Pathfinding in real 3D space

✅ Path optimization

✅ Takes searcher's size into account

✅ Debug information about obstacles

✅ Flexible obstacles creation

✅ Import and export of obstacles to the file

✅ Optimized with Burst 🔥

🍕 Works with both Mono and IL2CPP backends

🍕 All major Unity versions supported


Getting started | Custom optimization strategy


🧡 In case of any problems or questions, feel free to reach out to me!

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