3D Runner

Publisher Miaomiao Games
File size 5.22MB
Number of files 189
Latest version 1.0.3
Latest release date 2014-02-07 12:31:13
First release date 2013-06-17 10:12:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
3D Runner is a 3D Platformer Endless Runner Completed Mobile Game Kit written in C#. This project integrated with swipe, accelerometer and NGUI. 60fps on most mobile devices.
***NGUI is required ***
- Tilt phone to move player left and right
- Swipe left and right to turn
- Swipe forward to jump
- Swipe backward to attack

- Randomly generated levels, game items and enemies
- Enemies are moving toward the player
- NGUI game menus
- Scores
- Audio: Game, menu music, jumping, attack and coins
- Player Animations
- Jumping
- Attacking
- Start Menu, Pause Menu and Game Over Menu
- Easy to create your own levels

Overview (how the game is being built, how to change the level, player and UI)
Mobile Demo (the game runs on mobile phone)

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