3D Lowpoly Chicken model animation

A0 Studio

Publisher A0 Studio
File size 2.50MB
Number of files 46
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-01-13 01:00:18
First release date 2020-01-13 01:00:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Unity users!

This asset is simple.
The low poly makes it easy to use on any platform.
Simple in low poly, but the animation is designed to mimic the movement of a real chicken.


[Include List]

*3D Lowpoly models
- hen
- cock
- chick
- eggs
- hatching egg

*chickens(=chick) animation
- Idle animation 4 types
- Danger animation(stand wing)
- Dead animation
- Walk animation
- Walk and search animation
- Sleep animation 2 types
- Fast walk animation
- Run animation
- Jump animation(Jumping - flying - landing)
- Alarm animation(cock)

*egg animation
- Hatching eggs 2 types & animation 2 types
- Ready for hatch egg Idle animation