2D Infinite Runner Toolkit

Publisher Atlantis Games
File size 5.35MB
Number of files 264
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2019-06-06 12:25:07
First release date 2013-06-11 07:17:35
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
2D Infinite Runner Toolkit is a feature complete and easy to use package giving you the chance to create endless runner games of any kind.

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o Making use of the new UI features
o Making use of the new Unity 2D features
o Full gameplay mechanics (movement, obstacles, powerups, scoring)
o Menu system (main, shop, pause, gameover)
o Dynamic layer based level generation (including Parallax Scrolling)
o Aspect ratio based resolution manager
o Mission and game progress system
o Mobile support
o Fully commented source code

It works with Unity built-in features and does not need any 3rd party tools to get it up and running.

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