2D Hooded Man Character (Spine)

Publisher Rothanavatar
File size 70.48MB
Number of files 35
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-06-22 08:02:11
First release date 2020-06-22 08:02:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
2D animated Hooded Man character for App and Game.

Animated in Spine Professional.

What you will get:

● Spine Pro Source Project.
● Source PSD files.
● Spine data jsons
● Png Sprite Sequences
● Animated Jump Scene (Spine runtime only, no png sequences )

Live Animation Demo


1. Crouch
2. Crouch Slash with knife
3. Crouch with knife
4. Die
5. Die2
6. Hurt
7. Hurt with knife
8. Idle
9. Idle with knife
10. Jump in place
11. Jump in place with knife
12. Jump airborne
13. Jump airborne with knife
14. Jump land
15. Jump land with knife
16. Jump start
17. Jump start with knife
18. Kick
19. Laugh
20. Running
21. Running with knife
22. Sheathing knife
23. Slash
24. Sneak
25. Stab
26.Unsheathing knife
27. Walking
28. Walking with knife

Please Note
The Character was animated in Spine Pro and Required  Spine Unity Runtime to use it in your project.

Please check Spine Runtime Licensing and Documentation.

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