Wolf standard

Publisher Alin Loghin
File size 103.95MB
Number of files 14
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-10-16 05:53:24
First release date 2017-10-11 10:23:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a low-poly model of an Ancient Dracones, i.e. Wolf, Standard with PBR materials. There are 2 texture versions of the standard with different materials(bronze, corroded bronze).

The standard is available also in the higher poly version, which is hidden inside the max scene.

The scene was rendered using Mental Ray, w/ diffuse, normal and specular maps. Some were rendered using PBR materials and NVIDIA Iray.

Sketchfab preview id:

This product contains:
-.max scene
-fbx format
-materials used
-2048*2048 textures used, PBR ready(diffuse, roughness, metallic, normal, AO)

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