

Publisher ithappy
File size 2.98MB
Number of files 211
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-08-11 10:35:11
First release date 2023-08-11 10:35:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

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Weapons 2

● Package ●
- Set of unique assets (61).

● Where to use ●
- Games. Models optimized for game engines;
- Multiplication;
- Advertising and marketing;
- VR / AR;

● Features ●
- You can easily change the color of objects - using the UV map;
- Pivot in the logical place of the object;
- Model has a logical name.

● Geometry ●
- 61 unique assets;
- 77k triangles all pack.

● Items (x61) ●
Pistol (x9)
Revolver, Signal Flare Gun, Stun Gun, etc.;

Submachine gun (x10)

Shotgun (x5)

Machine gun (x5)


RPG, grenade launcher, bazooka, etc.;

Sniper rifle (x5)

Rifle (x10)

Sight (x3)
Sniper sight, collimator;

Explosives (x4)
Smoke grenade, flash-bang greande, fragmentation grenade, bomb.

● Scale ●

● Material ●
All models use 1 materials

● Textures ●
1 textures
Resolution: 2048 px

If you liked this package, please leave a review! Creativity to you!

We have files of 3d programs: Blender \ C4D \ Maya \ 3dsMax

You can modify our models yourself by requesting the necessary format from us.


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