WARSHIPS - Ballistic Missile Submarine


Publisher CGPitbull
File size 161.27MB
Number of files 11
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-12-20 09:11:11
First release date 2021-12-20 09:11:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This Original package contains one "SF Ballistic Missile Submarine". Discover more RTS GAMES Models, Ground, air vehicles and buildings here.

With no weapons added: Polys/11.850 - Verts/12.648 - Tris/22.806, with weapons: Tris/28.518

To discover more CGPitbull models, please check my Asset Store publisher page

Set of one Warship (FBX model). No animated parts, LOD or FX. Separated weapons (nuclear missiles, torpedos), can be animated, check all previews, descriptions and video for full details.

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