Virtual Joystick Texture Volume 1

Publisher Hedgehog Team
File size 9.74MB
Number of files 129
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-06-06 04:57:06
First release date 2013-04-26 06:02:37
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
With Virtual Joystick Texture V1, you get a full high quality set of (more than 120) PNG bitmaps, for your virtual joysticks and buttons (fully compatible with easytouch/easyjoystick).
The pack includes :

- 8 Various types of backgrounds for your joysticks.
- 8 Various types of joystick (designed from the previous style, of course...)
- 112 Buttons (designed from the previous bitmaps) with various icons (nothing (to make your own), left, right, up, down, shoot A , shoot B)

Images format : PNG 32 bit with perfect transparent background.

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