Vintage Radio Cassette Fully Animated


Publisher 3y3net
File size 30.74MB
Number of files 40
Latest version 2018
Latest release date 2018-08-15 06:03:08
First release date 2014-08-01 08:52:04
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
unity 5 ready!

A fully animated radio cassette asset. Drop the prefab in your scene, attach an audio source and the Radio Cassette will play the music and moves vuMeters, speakers and cassette wheels according to music volume. Model has 862 tris and 1200 vertex

Web Demo

Animated parts
-Cassette wheels spins when music plays
-Speakers vibrate with music volume
-Left and right vuMeter turns according channel volume
-vuMeter red led illuminates when a peak is detected

Radio Cassete 2024x2024 PSD texture so you can personalize the look of the asset.

There are many configurable options:
Speakers vibration speed and amount
vuMetter speed
Cassette wheels speed
vuMeter peak angle

This configurations options are located in the vuMeter object of the prefab.

Full C# source code included

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