VFX Graph - Hits & Impacts - Vol. 2

Publisher Gabriel Aguiar Prod
File size 73.87MB
Number of files 4
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-11 08:03:12
First release date 2024-11-11 08:03:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

25 Hits & Impacts done entirely with Visual Effect Graph.

VFX Graph - Hits & Impacts - Vol.1

This package includes:

-25 Hits & Impacts (9 customizable VFX Graphs)

-Easy Color Adjust

-Textures (hearts, stars, impact flipbooks, circles, flares, etc)

-HDRP and URP only

-Limited Mobile support (high-end mobile devices only)


Visual Effect Graph from the Package Manager is required.

Contact me for any questions (check my profile here in the asset store for contacts).

More VFX Packages:

- VFX Graph - Ultra Mega Pack - Vol.1

- VFX Graph - Mega Pack - Vol.1

- VFX Graph - Mega Pack - Vol.2

- VFX Graph - Mega Pack - Vol.3

- VFX Graph - Mega Pack - Vol.4

- Unique Projectiles Vol.1

- Unique Projectiles Vol.2

- Unique Projectiles Vol.3



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