V5 Colection Ship


Publisher V5
File size 31.29MB
Number of files 46
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-08-23 10:00:20
First release date 2021-08-23 10:00:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package Colections Ship includes 11 types of ships (
- ship 1 (1822 polys/2119 verts)
- ship2 ( 1284 polys/1690 verts)
- ship3 ( 775 polys/979 verts)
- ship4 (347 polys/ 415 verts)
- ship5 (1091 polys/1258verts)
- ship6 (1189 polys/1250verts)
- ship7 (697 polys/826 verts)
- ship8 ( 4468 polys/5769verts)
- ship9 (276 polys/353 verts)
- ship10 ( 159 polys/204 verts)
- ship11 ( 111 polys/154 verts)
- 2048/2048 diffuse texture (PNG file format).
The original FBX file is also included in the package.

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