Publisher Mind Studios
File size 95.62MB
Number of files 567
Latest version 1.8.6
Latest release date 2018-05-18 05:30:39
First release date 2014-01-08 10:31:56
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
UFE 1.x is deprecated. Try UFE 2 instead:
Universal Fighting Engine 2

UFE 1.x only works up to Unity version 2018.3.

Universal Fighting Engine (or U.F.E.) is a toolkit designed to help you develop your own 2.5D fighting game, using a highly customizable framework and easy to use visual editors. No coding knowledge is necessary. For more information, visit our official Unity thread.

*Click here to play demo*

Feature Spotlight:
- Robust Move and Character editors
- A.I. Support
- Story Mode
- Precision HitBoxes
- Mecanim and Legacy Animation Support
- Combo system
- Support for Throw/Grappling moves
- Custom Input Manager
- Cinematic move editor
- Easy to use UI Tools
- Mobile Controls (requires Control Freak)
- Compatible with cInput
- Open source GUI scripts
- Easy 3rd party implementations
- Over 100 animations included
- 2 ready to use characters
- Several free to use sound and music assets
- For a full list of features visit UFE3D.com

Addons/Compatible extensions:
- Fuzzy A.I.
- P2P Network
- cInput (custom input manager)
- Control Freak (mobile controls)

Other links:
- Videos (official Youtube channel)
- Official Forum
- Upcoming Features

For more videos, information and discussed features, visit UFE's official Unity thread.

For the open source version click here.

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