The DARK Series - Character Pack 1


Publisher penusbmic
File size 951.41kB
Number of files 55
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-01-10 07:28:14
First release date 2022-01-10 07:28:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Shock Sweeper (88x30) : static idle, wake, shuffle(move), slam attack, spin slam, sweep attack, damaged, and death animations

Orb Mage (119x34) :  idle, move, heal, attack 1, attack 2,  hit, and death animations

Assassin (91x19) :  idle, run, jump, fall, land,  attack 1, attack 2, Sweep attack, Cross Slice attack,  hit, and death animations.

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