Survivalist Pandemic Pack


Publisher Nekobolt
File size 85.58MB
Number of files 146
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2016-09-27 05:08:24
First release date 2015-04-10 10:10:04
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
25% SALE!!!

This extremely affordable package contains 22 items from Face masks to Liquid bleach - everything you will need for the impending Pandemic!

Highly detailed and even perfect for VR.

If you like this pack you might also enjoy our other survival packs:
- Survive Nuclear War Pack
- Survivalist Health Pack
- Survivalist MacGyver Pack
- Survivalist Gourmet Pack

The models are between 1-688 polygons. The package comes with 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 atlased textures: diffuse (Unity4), albedo (Unity 5) and normal maps. There are also prefabs for all the items in the different texture resolutions to make life easier for you.

This package is updated every now and then and it's price will go up, but everyone who already owns the package will of course get all updates for free.

Items (Polygons):
- Anti-diarrheal (144P)
- Antibacterial soap (374P)
- Antidote (222P)
- Body bag (372P)
- Exam glove box (363P)
- Face mask (372P)
- Face mask box (54P)
- Hospital bed (688P)
- Liquid bleach (326P)
- Pill bottle (96P)
- Plastic sheeting (54P)
- Quarantine barricade (180P)
- Quarantine poster 01 (1P)
- Quarantine poster 02 (1P)
- Quarantine plaque (62P)
- Safety goggles (426P)
- Test tube (228P-372P)
- Thermometer (180P)
- Toilet paper (128P)
- Trash bags (128P)
- Water bottle (531P)
- Water filter bottle (436P)

Feel free to contact the asset publisher if you have suggestions or complaints :) !


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