Clean Flat UI

Publisher RainbowArt
File size 14.27MB
Number of files 2341
Latest version 2.4.2
Latest release date 2024-04-20 09:42:13
First release date 2023-01-21 04:53:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Clean Flat UI is a clean flat style UI pack based on the UGUI.

It contains many UI elements. These UI elements have more styles with rich animation effects. Also they have more simple styles. Each UI element has multiple prefabs and animations.

  • Prefab files

600+ UI element prefab files, showing the styles and effects

of various ui elements.

  • Scripts files

100+ Scripts files using c#, including editor files easy to


  • Animated files

300+ Animators files, easy to edit animation effects.

  • Textures files

500+ clean flat textures, able to realize multiple flat shapes.

  • UI Elements:

- Button, Button Auto, Button Gradient, Button Gradient Auto;

- ContextMenu, ContextMenu LongPress, ContextMenu RightClick;

- Dropdown, Dropdown Multi, Dropdown Menu;

- Input Field, Input Field Multi;

- Modal Window;

- Notification;

- Selector, Selector No Loop;

- Switch, Switch Text;

- Slider, Slider Circular, Slider Scale, Slider Range, Slider Bubble, Slider Bubble


- TabView;

- Toggle, Toggle Text, Toggle Group;

- Tooltip, Tooltip Determine, Tooltip Intetermine, Tooltip Snap;

- Window Drag, Window Resize;

- Progress Bar, Progress Bar Special, Progress Bar Loop, Progrss Bar Bubble,

   Progress Bar Auto, Progress Bar Special Auto, Progrss Bar Bubble Auto;

- Circular Progress Bar, Circular Round Progress Bar, Circular Progress Bar

  Auto, Circular Round Progress Bar Auto, Circular Progress Bar Loop;

- Grid Linear Progress Bar , Grid Circular Progress Bar, Grid Linear Progress

   Bar Auto, Grid Circular Progress Bar Auto;

- Pattern Progress Bar, Pattern Circular Progress Bar, Pattern Special Progress

    Bar,Pattern Progress Bar Auto, Pattern Circular Progress Bar Auto,

    Pattern Special Progress Bar Auto;

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