Street Cop


Publisher DEXSOFT
File size 27.14MB
Number of files 12
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-01-20 10:37:26
First release date 2012-09-29 10:09:07
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
3D animated character model representing a street cop (policeman) dressed in a uniform.
There are 2 LOD-stages available:
LOD 0: 6,141 vertices; 11,592 triangles
LOD 1: 3,457 vertices; 6,375 triangles
The model comes with 2 textures: a 2048x2048 texture for the character and a 512x512 texture for the weapon. In addition to the diffuse textures there are normal and specular maps available.

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