Socks - All in One Networking Solution

Publisher Vancete.NET
File size 37.40MB
Number of files 121
Latest version 0.2.0
Latest release date 2021-02-23 09:03:22
First release date 2021-01-11 10:30:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Socks is an All-in-One networking solution designed for Unity.

It has been developed from scratch thinking on the requirements of little-to-mid size projects: it covers from the basics of networking functionalities, like realtime communication or RPCs to user management like user registering and login, inventories, currencies, etc. And even if it does not cover your needs, it's totally customizable, so you can make it perfectly fit all your needs.

While it has been designed for Unity, it is platform agnostic, that does means that you can run the server on multiple different platforms, and develop your client with Unity and export it to any available platform, or even write an HTML + JavaScript web that connects with Socks.

It's aimed to be the easiest networking system for Unity. Its simplicity makes it human understandable, and will help you to develop faster multiplayer products.

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