Skills Particle VFX Pack (Fire)


Publisher SKJ
File size 3.78MB
Number of files 98
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-11-03 07:43:23
First release date 2016-12-02 10:16:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Ver. 1.7 Add Toon Additive & Toon Blended Premmultiply Shaders.

Ver1.6 Fixed ParticleAddSoftEffect & ParticlePremultiplyBlend cutout texture function.

Ver. 1.5 Fix Fire_ducks and drakes bugs in version 5.5.

Ver. 1.4 Fixed shader error in fog mode.

Ver. 1.3 Added ParticleAddSoftEffect shader.

Ver. 1.2 Added effect_distortion_mask shaders.

Ver. 1.1 Modify the shader bug.

Skills Particle VFX Pack (Fire) is a bundle of 7 Particle.

Particle Collection SKJ (full version)

Particle collection SKJ (bullet)
Particle collection SKJ (cleave)
Particle collection SKJ (Hit)
Particle collection SKJ (Line)
Particle collection SKJ (Magic ring)
Particle collection SKJ (Modular)
Particle collection SKJ (Scenes)
Particle collection SKJ (Sprays)
Particle collection SKJ (ice)
Particle collection SKJ (Fire)

Skills Particle VFX Pack (full version)

Skills Particle VFX Pack (Fire)
Skills Particle VFX Pack (Force)
Skills Particle VFX Pack (Ice)
Skills Particle VFX Pack (Lightning)
Skills Particle VFX Pack (Smoke&Dark)

Toon Particle Pack SKJ Ver.1

Toon Particle Pack SKJ Ver.2

Particle MEGA Bundle SKJ Ver.1

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