Skill Drive - Complete Game (2020 LTS)


Publisher Ilumisoft
File size 44.79MB
Number of files 163
Latest version 1.3.3
Latest release date 2022-08-12 08:38:13
First release date 2021-05-07 09:40:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

With this asset you get the complete source project of Skill Drive - a 3D game developed for desktop and tested on Windows. It supports keyboard and gampad input, setup with Unity's new Input System and uses Cinemachine and Post Processing to create nice and smooth effects. No matter whether you are looking for a complete racing game project for reference or something to build on - Skill Drive is the perfect choice to improve your skills!


- Complete game with 15 levels

- Animated 3D level selection

- Smooth scene transitions

- SFX and background music

- Keyboard and gamepad input support

- Tested on Windows

- Complete source code

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