Saltwater Crocodile

File size 116.73MB
Number of files 48
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-07-07 05:50:32
First release date 2017-03-21 11:03:22
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a realistic 3d model and animations of a Crocodile.
WebGL Demo
-Models folder contains CrocodileModelLowPoly.FBX, CrocodileModelMiddlePoly.FBX and CrocodileModelTwoLODs.FBX.
Bone count:80
mesh size
z axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.
-Textures folder contains textures.
texture size
albedo, normal, height, ambient occlusion:4096x4096
detail normal, specular:1024x1024
-Animations folder contains FBX file of animations.
The animation names are listed on the screen shots.
-Upgradeable to Complete J. Suko Animals pack

for more information

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