Round Spawn System Pro

Publisher that games guy
File size 2.39MB
Number of files 243
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-01-22 07:06:24
First release date 2015-10-05 11:06:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
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Please note: this package is not suitable for creating infinite rounds. This system can be used to craft a finite number of rounds for your game.

Easily and quickly implement a round spawn system in your game. Using the round event system you can implement any action to be performed, including (but not limited to): changing lighting, spawning preparation objects, displaying text/help on screen, and playing audio.

Fully customizable and easy to implement.

Comprehensively documented and supported, including an example scene showing one possible implementation.

Each round consists of a number of checkpoints and an optional round boss.

Additional Features:
- Example and template scripts included to show you how to easily change lighting dependent on the round, and show text and audio at round start/end or round boss.
- A documented type-safe event system. Easily add your own events.
- Ability to limit enemy count (useful for mobile devices).
- Compatible with 2D/3D

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