RealTime FaceRecognition Example

Publisher Enox Software
File size 3.14MB
Number of files 32
Latest version 1.0.9
Latest release date 2024-04-27 11:40:20
First release date 2016-11-29 06:08:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Works with Unity Cloud Build

iOS & Android support

Windows10 UWP support

WebGL support

Win & Mac & Linux Standalone support

Preview support in the Editor

This asset requires “OpenCV for Unity 2.3.8 or later”.

This asset is an example project of the face recognition in real time using “OpenCV for Unity”.

This project’s Code is a rewrite of using “OpenCV for Unity”.

This asset is intended as a tutorial for beginning image processing students and does not pursue optimization of processing speed in order to make the code easy to understand.

Official Site | ExampleCode | Android Demo WebGL Demo | Demo Video

The Face recognition procedure is 4 steps.

1. Face detection

2. Face preprocessing

3. Collect and learn faces

4. Face recognition

System Requirements

Build Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 8 or later

Build Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.9 or later

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