Realistic Fog FX

Publisher Archanor VFX
File size 10.96MB
Number of files 38
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-10-29 01:50:19
First release date 2021-08-03 12:50:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Realistic Fog FX features 3 types of fog effect prefabs in two styles which can easily be dragged & dropped into your scene.

✅ Built-in ✅ URP ✅ HDRP

WebGL Demo (Built-in)

The custom shader lets the fog blend in with the environment, as well as fades out the billboards slowly depending on the camera distance to avoid billboard textures popping in/out.

The effect can be scaled through by changing the Start Size and Radius in the particle system. The fog color is easily tinted via Vertex Color in the particle systems, or directly via the custom shader.

The asset also includes a bonus dust particle system, smoke puff effect and a smoke trail effect.

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