Modular Pirate


Publisher buxoided
File size 715.83MB
Number of files 115
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-05-07 02:18:29
First release date 2024-05-07 02:18:29
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
  • from 2021.3 LTS (Built,URP,HDRP) if you have selected urp or hdrp, then you need to select your render type in the shader
  • The eye shader is simple, you can apply your own
  • A team of pirates, with shabby clothes. you can make a command, connect the clothes to each other and the color + texture of the picture on the clothes
  • you can change the color of everything except the body
  • Add dirt and curvature (scuffed creases in color)
  • the texture can be changed on clothes - pants, T-shirts, 2 fabric headbands, 1 belt of their fabric (on a raincoat and vest it is impossible)
  • 51 blendshape for face animation
  • The parts have different variations for different things that would fit together (pants + shoes).
  • the earrings have their own skeleton, they are attached through a socket
  • weapons are separate, there are weapons built into the belts (modular)
  • some things are not compatible (pass into each other)
  • modular things

4 -head

4 -torso

7 -hat + 7 different variations

2- Right eye close+ 2 -Left side

5 - earnings

6 variations of finger rings

3 hand access + 6 different variations

4 neck access

5 shirt - +1 coat can be made of fabric and leather

3 chest belt + 3 right side + 1 rope

4 belt pants + 2 rope with weapon

2 small belt with weapon

5 pants

5 shoes (there are different options for pants in the project)

3 weapon - pistol, axe, sword

  • not all the options are presented in the scene, you can make more different characters
  • The fabric physics is used on the coat and belt
  • there is no animation from the video in the project
  • There are no hairstyles and beards, if you need hairstyles

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