Medieval Viking Shield Pack

CH Assets

Publisher CH Assets
File size 15.91MB
Number of files 39
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-04-17 06:47:09
First release date 2014-08-07 12:01:16
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Update 1.1: Updated to PBR textures and standard material for 2018.1+

This is a game ready medieval viking shield pack for your games and characters (or as decoration for your level) consisting of six handcrafted high quality assets.


- Six different viking shields (.fbx), accuraltely modeled and sculpted after historic shields
- PBR Textures all handcrafted
-Three LODs from 1,8k to ~500 tris
Also see my viking weapon pack for different viking axes fitting to the shields.

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