Magic shields pack

Publisher Hovl Studio
File size 23.15MB
Number of files 131
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-25 03:42:18
First release date 2024-08-02 08:12:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

List of effects:

  1. Fire shield
  2. Ice shield
  3. Cosmic shield
  4. Darkness shield
  5. Energy shield
  6. Holy shield
  7. Mana shield
  8. Orbital shield
  9. Stone shield
  10. Water shield

All effects are game ready, just take and drop prefabs into your game!

Supports built-in render by default. HDRP and URP supported using this FREE package. It's free if you own one of the assets from Hovl Studio. All effects work on all platforms. They can be easily re-sized and re-colored. 

Promo media (videos, images, etc.) uses post-processing effect "Bloom"! I recommend you to download "Post Processing Stack" from Package manager before download for Built-In render! HDRP or URP has built-in "Volume" component with "Bloom" effect.

Contact me if you have any problems or questions.

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