Magic Circla Skill - package V.1


Publisher cula
File size 19.82MB
Number of files 144
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-02-13 11:19:13
First release date 2024-02-13 11:19:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is an asset that combines the existing magic circle, Magic Circle Skill - 1, and Magic Circle Skill - 2 into one asset.

As the name of the product suggests, it is an effect based on a magic circle and can be used as a game skill or various background effects.

Among them, magic circla can be used as a skill effect, but it is also suitable as a background effect. For example, you can create a more dynamic magic book by creating it on the displayed book. You can also use magic circla and other skills - 1 and 2 together You can use the magic circle skill in front of the character and the magic circle skill above the monster's head for a more complete magic circle skill effect.

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