L.V.E 2023 - Lava & Volcano Environment 2023

Publisher NatureManufacture
File size 5.43GB
Number of files 1126
Latest version 1.2.4
Latest release date 2025-02-28 03:43:13
First release date 2023-06-12 07:02:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

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This pack requires Unity 2021.3 LTS and Higher.

It contains R.A.M 2023 tools system: splines, lakes, fence

The whole import process and tutorials will be in upcoming videos. Give us a few days, the pack is -50% for 2 weeks. Step by step we will build a whole video library. Please also check the manual "RAM 2023 Manual" which helps you in the import process and make the first steps.

It supports:

  • Built-in: It requires mathematics and unity shader graph packs from the unity package manager. They are free, and they, contain additional libraries for spline systems and shaders. The unity shader graph is temporary we will drop it in upcoming updates.
  • URP: it requires unity VFX (visual effect graph) if you want to use our distortion particles. You always could use unity particles but they are slower.
  • HDRP: no additional packs are needed.

To run HD or URP please import the pack to HD or URP project and then import the support pack which is inside the asset in "HD and URP Support Packs" folder. It will replace shaders, prefabs, and meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check the readme files inside that folder.

If you want to use this asset with our older R.A.M 2019 water system remove or do not import folders called: additional tools and spline system from R.A.M 2019. Our 2023 splines have a different construction so old splines need to be rebuilt but old water shaders will work fine.

L.V.E 2023 contains a few main tools and aspects.

  • Splines: Tools to create rivers, roads, and cliffs. It may carve and paint terrains. With flow-map and vertex color tools, you can customize every shape. You can snap it to every object and take normal from it so you can blend surface with unity terrain
  • Lakes: Tools to create lakes, endless seas, and big closed shapes. It may carve and paint terrains, and generate, with flow-map and vertex color tools you can customize every shape. You can snap it to every object and take normal from it. It also can paint the whole terrain with predefined rules like we did in the video
  • Fence: Tool that spawns objects with probability. It may bend and modify 3d meshes. It co-ops with splines so it’s perfect to create side road objects as well. It also may be used to create curved complex stair objects curved by splines
  • Vertex painter: Tool which allows painting flow-map and vertex color on 3d meshes but not splines and lakes
  • Unified terrain paint system which can paint the whole terrain with different biomes
  • Shader's environment supports lava and river complex features like automatic rock heating or terrain blending
  • Particles: Advanced particle library to create an immersive lava environment. HD and URP also start to use VFX to achieve the best performance
  • 3D content: 3D rocks which can be automatically heated in real-time or in editor mode, Cliffs which support shape normals and curvature, and leaks
  • Terrain stamps and background models
  • 9 Demo scenes: day, dynamic flow, sunset, night, cave

What is new in the 2023 version in relation to 2019:

  • Realtime lava flow and object heating.
  • Rebuilt flow map system, shaders, and debug modes
  • Complex terrain painting, now you can paint the whole terrain using predefined biomes (profiles). Like we did in the video.
  • Sea and huge lakes support. Automatic GPU or CPU LOD's : They get high resolution only close to the camera. Now you can generate a huge mesh for the sea
  • Rebuilt lava river shaders. More control over the effects, real-time flow, and slope speed multiply
  • The new flow map painter now supports smudge, repulsion, attraction, and direction.
  • Updated /Rebuilt vertex color painting
  • New UI, more control over the splines and lakes
  • Mesh density control per point in the splines and lakes
  • Added fence tool which can bend meshes, and co-op with lake and river splines
  • New fixed tiling option on splines: you can scale mesh without stretching the UV. This function doesn't support seamless spline connections yet
  • Volcano terrain stamps
  • Volcano and mountains background models
  • Rebuilt and refreshed 3d meshes. Triplanar shaders now support curvature, leaks, and shape effects. Rocks could be heated or become wet
  • Rebuilt automatic heating object script. Now you can setup also the time that the object needs to become wet/heat and dry/cold again when it touches or lost connection with a spline
  • A lot of new debug modes to check every aspect of the spline
  • 9 Demo Scenes: day, night, sunset, dynamic flow
  • VFX particles
  • New particles like lava bubbles, smoke or rock explosions, lava waterfalls, geysers
  • Added our snow texture examples
  • Support for all new upcoming: Built-In HD and URP versions
  • New API with examples

The whole asset becomes totally rebuilt during 2 years of development. Soon we will rebuild and release also water system based on the same technology. Until that time you can use our river water materials - R.A.M 2019

L.V.E 2023– Lava and Volcano Environment 2023 is a new rebuild and extended version of L.V.E. 2019. It is a big pack of environments, systems, tools, textures, particles, post-processing stacks, and models which give you the ability to create volcanos, caves, interiors, and rivers in high-quality results and very cheap in render setup. Lava rivers can flow and heat objects in real time. Our spline and vertex paint tools which are included in this pack will support many very advanced systems/arts. The simulation tool gives you the ability to create a lava river that is accurate to terrain shape via 3 mouse clicks. You simply set the first point and click Simulate. Physics scripts give you the ability to flow objects on the lava surface and heat in real-time. You also could heat static objects which touch lava out of the box via our shader and script. Rocks and textures in these packs could also be used as asteroids or in typical environments. All assets, post-processing, and demos from the video are included in the pack. Tutorial scenes will help you to get full info about features.


# 1 Spline and lake tools:

  • Create very advanced connected lava river networks (lakes, rivers,)
  • automatic flow map with noises;
  • real-time lava flow and object heating
  • customize your lava river/lake via vertex paint and flow map by the painter.
  • physics simulation for objects that flow on lava surface
  • automatic heating for objects that flow or touch lava surface
  • simulate lava river, lake tool, setup 1 point and L.V.E will analyze space to create a lava river and lake
  • snap/unsnap into the terrain or models in all or separated points
  • change triangle amount and distribute them in spline space to get cheaper and best-looking spline/lake
  • create fabulous lava rivers with automatic waterfalls
  • rotate, invert uv to make compatibility with every texture direction
  • profile system - save your lava setup and switch to other in 2 seconds
  • automatic river network refreshing system to avoid river connections problems
  • place your lava river or cliff border, or road in a few seconds and blend it with terrain via vertex color and take normal function
  • debug your flow map / normal / vertex colors with an advanced debug shader to get the best and clear result
  • shape, paint, and foliage remove system for unity terrain
  • you can paint your whole terrain in seconds via the lake tool and mix a few biomes, everything works on biomes/profiles
  • R.A.M 2019 compatibility
  • API with example script, you can build river at play mode
  • CSV points import panel
  • Vegetation Studio support
  • Streaming friendly - cut your river/lake into sub meshes or splines
  • Multiple Terrains support

# 2 Shader and material features :

  • cheap in render
  • 16 shaders and variants to fit scene performance and visual aspects
  • special cheap shaders for mobile
  • vertex painter tool for objects other than spline and lake
  • tessellation support in built-in and HDRP
  • flow map support, vertex color support
  • rim light support
  • special shader for frozen lava
  • up to 3 different lava layers support
  • uv free materials for cliffs/interior walls with terrain blending
  • smoke, explosion, distortion spark particle shaders
  • lava river shaders could rotate UV from U/-U into V/-V directions
  • shaders work on linear and gamma rendering (you only need to color and emission intensity for gamma)

# 3 Artistic content:

  • 94 (18 sets) Top and HQ ground and lava river textures (Albedo, Normal, AO, Height, Emission)
  • 75(10 sets) rock and cliffs atlases textures (Albedo, Normal, AO, Height, Emission)
  • 79 rock, cliffs prefabs (29 models)
  • 60 particle prefabs, even volcano explosion with emissive rocks.
  • 5 background mountains
  • 20 unity terrain stamps
  • 9 demo scenes from video
  • post-process stack for each scene

# 4 Additional tools content:

  • vertex and flow map painter on meshes;
  • physics scripts to make your rocks flow and burn when they hit lava;
  • automatic heating scripts when rock or object hit the lava;
  • fence tool which co-op with splines and lakes to create their sides, borders or just fences.

Feel free to contact and visit us at: Discord Channel

You could also look at our other packs:

Assets Bundle:

Environment Bundle - Dynamic Nature

Unity Tools:

River Auto Material 2019

Lava & Volcano Environment 2019

Lava & Volcano Environment

World Streamer 2

World Streamer

Terrain Stitcher Tools

Multiple Terrain Brush


Mountain Environment - Dynamic Nature

Forest Environment - Dynamic Nature

Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature

Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature

Fire & Smoke - Dynamic Nature

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Advanced Rock Pack

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PBR Graveyard Pack

Winter Mountains and Stamps

Photo Scanned Park Assets

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Autumn Valley - Level

River Valley - Level

Ground Textures:

Winter Ground Pack

Landscape Ground Pack

Landscape Ground Pack 2

VR & FP Models:

VR Hands FP Arms

Asset created in co-op with



Pack contain Triangle.NET library under MIT Licence check licenseTriangleNet.json file in package for details.

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