
Publisher KOLMICH Creations
File size 7.08MB
Number of files 299
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2013-12-06 08:13:28
First release date 2013-12-06 08:13:28
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The KGFTaskSystem is a powerful task/quest management solution for complex adventure or rpg games. It can be used by game designers/level creators to implement quest logic into the game. This solution was already used in professional small and big scale game production enviroments.

Launch price 90$ instead of 180$!

Please checkout the documentation for more detailed information:


- Powerful backend display (create, edit, delete tasks)
- Save to .csv file for version control merge/compare
- Task tagging and filtering
- Subtask logic: Create subtask logic like (A&&B||C)
- Tasks store lots of data: name, internal notes, title, description, short description, image, state, progress
- Excel like tasklist: You can use every single column for filtering
- Runtime display: view/debug/manipulate task states and progress at runtime
- Runtime task state serialization
- Graphical interface for invoking game logic without coding

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