JP Dimorphodon Dinosaur


Publisher Muelsa
File size 29.15MB
Number of files 292
Latest version 2022
Latest release date 2022-08-07 09:38:13
First release date 2016-09-09 11:00:33
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Game ready playable creature with controller, scripts and prefab. It come with a complete set of animations, 3 skin textures (2048x2048) + 16 eyes textures (128x128). 3 lod levels, with mobile friendly low poly version under 1500 poly (see videos for more mesh infos).

Artificial Intelligence, feet Inverse Kinematic and demo scene Included !

Herd behavior, pack hunt, search for food, water and avoid obstacles in complete autonomy. Full control of your creatures with the Path editor and the Target editor. 

Target looking and look around system. Perfect foot placement on terrain with IK system for a more realistic look.

Built-In "Creatures Manager" Add / Remove / Manage creatures in game and a ready to use survival system, damage, health, hunger, thirst and fatigue bar.

Static/In-place animations only.

Sound FX files are NOT included.

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